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Continuing Education Opportunities

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Santa Fe Community College Classes in anthropology and archaeology
Current classes include
   See website
Also look at the Continuing Education Class list for one or two day classes
Southwest Seminars Lectures and field trips
School for Advanced Research Field trips and lecture series
Laboratory of Anthropology Brown Bag Presentations The Laboratory of Anthropology sponsors an informal brown bag lecture series on the fourth Friday of every month. Topics may be multi disciplinary with anthropology, archaeology, history, and art represented. The free programs are held at 12:05 pm in the Meem Auditorium of the Laboratory of Anthropology, and the public is invited to attend.
Colorado Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Lots of good references to Archaeology and Rock Art. You just have to dig down into the site to get them. Looks like a great program to train avocational archaeologists
Passport in Time Passport in Time (PIT) is a volunteer archaeology and historic preservation program of the USDA Forest Service (FS). You are invited to work with professional archaeologists and historians on projects including archaeological excavation, rock art restoration, survey, archival research, historic structure restoration, gathering oral histories, or writing interpretive brochures.
Santa Fe Community College Continuing Education See website for class information

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